2022-48 Gueroy

No. 48 Gueroy


Oergo Studios

Gueroy的構想自10前誕生之後,經過了Oergo Studios 團隊不斷的改良,融合西洋棋的戰略性、美式桌遊的主題性、歐式桌遊的資源管理、以及MOBA式攻塔的緊張感,希望能藉由靈敏獨特的遊戲機制,帶給玩家煥然一新的遊戲體驗!

12個部族、6個英雄,任由玩家從中挑選自己的冠軍,進行競技PVP。召喚隸屬於自己的魔獸,透過攻塔、擒王、 或是搜集精華,來選擇自己的勝利方式!規則單純,玩法多變,好學卻不易上手,滿足玩家休閒娛樂,或是職業競賽的各種需求!

Gueroy 除了單人PVP 以外,也有多人模式,讓最多5位玩家組隊戰鬥或進行非對稱性對抗。



Hello boardgames fellow enthusiasts, we are Oergo Studios and we are very proud to present our first game, Gueroy.

Imagine the excitement of a wargame, the strategy of chess, and the management of a eurogame, then you could grasp the essence of it. A competitive PvP with agile and innovative mechanics, suitable for tournaments or casual plays.

Choose your champion from 12 different Heroes, belonging to 6 different Clans, summoning more than 20 different monsters. With a highly polished rule set you will easily be able to start playing but soon discover how far you are from mastering it.

Different game modes allow team battles and asymmetric matches with up to 5 players, this together with the uniqueness of every clash, make out of Gueroy a game with immense replayability.


